Before the Tattoo

Your tattoo appointment is booked and you are wondering how to get ready for it?
Here are a few tips and recommendations so you can get ready for your tattoo and be as confortable as possible for the day of the tattoo:

Get the skin ready : Healthy and hydrated
-Drink plenty of water before, during and after tattoo. Hydrated skin is easier to tattoo, heals better and give better final results.
-Keep your skin moisturized with your favourite body cream (if possible use once a day 1 or 2 weeks before your appointment).

Get yourself ready :
-Sleep well before the night before the appointment
-Have a good breakfast/lunch before the appointment
-No alcohol (or drugs) at least 24h before the appointment

For long tattoo sessions/Full day tattoo session :
-Wear the right clothing (something you feel confortable with)
-Take something to entertain yourself (music or movie). You won’t be able to move for a long time so it may get boring.
-Due to Covid19, please come alone to your appointment

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